Are you getting the taxes and government you deserve?

How would you like a neighbor to make a $454,400,000.00 purchase and charge it to you and 49 of your other neighbors who are gladly willing to pay for it?

Less than 3% of the registered voters residing within Leander ISD have voted in the $454.4M Bond Election as of Nov. 2.

If by close of Election Day on Tuesday, Nov. 7 no more than 4% of registered voters voted throughout the election, then only 2.001% of registered voters were necessary to pass or defeat the bond package.

The polls will be open from 7:00A.M. to 7:00P.M. this coming Tuesday. Make your vote count. If not, your neighbor’s vote will.

We get the government and taxes we deserve.  You may want to put the government textbooks aside for this Tuesday and give your children a real life civics lesson. The voting booth will be waiting for you.

Bearing Arms at the Ballot Box: How to Fire Your Civil Bullet

Election Day Voting Locations

Travis County Election Day Voting Locations

Williamson County Election Day Voting Locations

Early Voting Reports

Travis County Elections Early Voting Report

Williamson County Elections Early Voting Report



Why are my Leander ISD property taxes and mortgage payment increasing so much?

Copyright © 2017 Don Stroud